Global Content, LLC.
Movie: Stories/Plots & Scripts
Content creation across online, print, television, film platforms and art platforms.
We offer stories, plots and scripts for full-length as well as short feature films. GCLLC has on its panel a group of professional writers who can turn a an idea into a full-fledged plot and script.
GCLLC is engaged in two television projects, one a sitcom and the other a feature length documentary. We are open to being commissioned either full television projects or individual episodes.

Ghost Writing
GCLLC writers have been commissioned ghost writing assignments that include both non-fiction and fiction. Our ghost writing service includes a full-range of publishing help, from helping flesh out concepts, writing and editing manuscripts and print-on-demand consultancy. We also design book covers.
Digital Artworks
We offer a wide range of original digital artworks which could be used both as framed prints as well as product merchandising. These arts works lend themselves to an easy screen-printing transfer onto a big variety of products. More of our works here and here.
We offer artist representation in America. Our first client is a widely respected painter Prakash Bal Joshi of Mumbai. Joshi is an internationally bought painter whose modern abstracts and other paintings have found global resonance. More of his work here.