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GCLLC offers special news coverage out of South Asia and America


Global Content is gearing up to emerge as a source of specialized coverage for South Asian media outlets looking for news stories and features out of America and American news outlets looking for news stories and features out of South Asia. We are setting up a system where GCLLC can be commissioned for print, television and online news material either on a regular or one-off basis. 


GCLLC has access to some of the best journalists specializing in such coverage. For more contact us either via email or by phone.

GCLLC to produce news segment for India's rural TV news show


Our first commissioned news assignment is to report and produce a weekly segment for India's first professional produced rural news and information show called 'Hamara Gaon Connection' (Our Gaon Connection).


In keeping with GCLLC's multilingual expertise, this particular segment is being produced in Hindi, the language of the show. The first segment is scheduled to go on air by the end of June. Watch this space. 

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